May 13, 2015

“Love … Is not rude.”
(I Corinthians 13:5)

About two years ago, we converted our home office into an art studio.  And after a 7-year hiatus from painting, my wife picked up her paints and brushes and started painting again.  When we lived in Washington, she painted a lot of watercolors.  Today, she is painting with acrylics and oils.  I am thrilled that she is painting again.

Now if I were to walk over to one of my wife’s paintings and spit on it, you would say that I was very rude.  And you would be right.  Spitting on an artist’s painting would be the height of disrespect.

I would never do such a thing.  I may be a bit biased, but I think my wife is a very good artist and her paintings are wonderful.  I prefer to have them framed and then hang them on a prominent wall in our house, so everyone who visits our home can admire them.

God is a Master Artist.  Each one of us is a unique creation, designed by God Himself.  So, whenever we are rude to anyone – regardless of race, color, gender, or social standing – we are essentially spitting on one of God’s masterpieces.  We are not only being rude to the individual; but disrespectful of God, as well.  We might as well be spitting in God’s face.

“Respect” means that we place high value on people.  We give them a place of honor in our lives.  We treat them with a high level of esteem.  Love is not rude. Love is respectful. If we want to build healthy relationships, we will learn the art of respect – honor, good manners, politeness, graciousness, and common courtesy.

Dear Lord,
You are the Master Artist.
We are Your masterpieces, designed and shaped by You.
May I treat people with the honor and respect that are due You.
May I love others as You have loved me.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.